Saturday, April 30, 2011

Field Trip 1: Romans

Today I had a field trip with my catalan cultures class to a super old roman empire museum. This museum let you go down  underground in an elevator, where they excavated a roman city. You got to see all these cool ruins like these old roman temple columns : These were called the augustsus columns, and they were placed right next to the current day barcelona cathedral. The cathedral today was built next to the old roman cathedral, since most of barcelona still follows the blue print layout of the roman times. This is near the square in the jaume area, the center of the city during roman times.

After this we went to a roman museum that actually allowed you to go underground to another portion of the museum that had part of an old roman town excavated. This really helped us understand all of the interesting aspects of their life, and see how they truly lived on a more personal level, rather than just hearing about it . getting to see what their hosues looked liek and all the ammenaties that they had put in perspective that this isnt just some culture , they were real people!!!!the romans were a totally advanced awesome culture and i have no idea how they figured out sewage systems and winery's and laundries with ashes and urine to clean their clothes, or how the women created make-up or anything else.  betcha didn't know that kids back in roman times played tic-tac-toe! We saw an actual roman rock with tic-tac-toe etched into it! It was very informative ! 
Below are some pictures accompanied by their descriptions and facts i learned on the trip!
--> as we approached the museum and columns this is the side of the church that you see. It is straight up from Placa Jaume metro stop!

--> on this trip, my teacher taught us all about how this church was located right on carrer de la pietat, he described how this corner, is where people would come before they were hanged to have their last words. hence why it is called pitty !

this is the room that holds the old roman columns, they are HUGE and show what the classical style during the roman era looked like. this style is still copied today when artists and architects re-create the neo-classical style!

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