Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cultural Experince 2: FAILURE OF CARNIVALE!!!!!


well well well carnival.

this night started out great, we all got ready, in our little princess costumes, got some wine with some friends and headed out to the carnival in sitges, a little beach town about 40 minutes from barcelona by metro.
well here goes the first problem: have we forgotten that rebecca has developed chlostrophobia since she has been in barcelona? or have i not told you about that yet? ohh well she has. i now am petrified of elevators, and think that there wont be enough air in the metro if for some reason it comes to a stop or breaks or electricity fails, and we will all die. I know, this fear of a lack of oxygen is totally irrational, as are most peoples stupid anxious issues.
so we take this train 30 minutes to sitges, and of course it is packed out wiht drunk people, literally at every stop people were opening the doors to get air into the cabins. As you can imagine, rebecca is now having a literal panic attack and yelling at people. not the best way to start carvinale you may add. you are correct :)  luckily we met some fun kids and got some food and hung out, and headed over to the beach. the beach area was really cool and had a nice live dj playing the 1s and 2s for all of us kids. We danced on the beach for an hour or so , until stephanie my roomate, got all of her things stolen. annddd the night takes a turn for the worse, now she is crying, i am stil panicked from the train and ami is just enjoying herself as per usual . We all decide to leave since steph is so upset * things learned in Sitges- WATCH YOUR PURSE!--so we walk  one in front of the other to the area where the busses are coming ( note: i dont have a bus ticket that were pre purchased, but i decided i was finding a way on that bus, or i was going to drown myself in the ocean because there was no way i was taking that train again! ) so we start walking, well all of a sudden i look back and ami is lost, so the other girsl are storming throug to the bus that was about a half mile away, and i couldnt leave without ami, so i stayed back to look for her. Now i am all alone, no phone and ami has all the cash. i look for her, she is no where to be found. panic attack number 2! . i find a kid who i knew was friends with a friend, so him and i banded to gether in attempts to find these magic busses. we take a cab with the 5 dollars he has and we get to the busses right as they are leaving, we hop on and all is well with the world you say..oh wait no , where is ami! well, i had to leave without her because i had no phone or no money, so i needed to go wiht the kid, at least she had the money and knew how to get home. so i go home, freiking out that ami is now dead in a ditch, btu she arrives right after me. luckily she knew i was probably losing my mind worrying, so she took the next train home and remembered my address and got here just fine.
PHEWF. worst night ever complete.

great story right ;) I do not really like carnivale now, but it is a really cool idea if you know what you are doing and where you are going ! It is a great holiday and i would liek to try again next time for a better experience!

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