Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cultural Activities: Sagrada Familia/Palau De La Musica

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

cultural things i did in barcelona!

So this past week Amianka came to visit !! We did a lot of really great things liek explore el born, and go to a restaurant called little italy. The owner of that restuarnat was so nice and gave us these free amazinggggg mango mojitos ! After that, we made our way down to the beach to enjoy the beautiful barcelona harbor and then for a nice paella,  ( which was very overpriced)

another one of the days, we went to the famous sagrada familia, built by gaudi. I had been before, but this was my first time actually getting to go inside. it was so amazing, the large pillars were built to look like palm tree's and the way the light shined in through the stain glass gave a very bright colorful look to the entire center of the church. We werent able to go down into the crypt, but we got to see it through an opening, as well as the tomb that gaudi himself is buried in on the bottom floor of sagrada familia.

a few weeks prior, i got the chance to go to Palau de la musica with my dad. It was a beautiful building, built by Domenich y montaner, a very famous barcelona modernist/art nouveau designer. He was very into catalan symbolism and nationalism, so all over the building you could see roses and various symbols that stood for catalunya. This building was liek nothign i have ever seen before! His main interest in art was to do applied arts, with ceramics , mosaics glass etc and all of those elements can be seen as soon as you walk into the building. We even got to hear the acoustics of the place when they played some music for us through out the auditorium
the gorgeous inside of the auditorium at palau de la musica, the main chandelier is known as " the sun" and allows a natural light to flow through the room

the seating arrangements, this building actually fits over 3,000 even though it looks much smaller!

the inside of sagrada familia, notice how the pillars look like trees!

once again, the naturalistic floral looking ceiling!

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